Wednesday, September 11, 2013

QR codes a thing of the future?

QR codes can be pretty quick and easy when trying to give someone fast information on the go. QR codes have been used for many things such as: instant log in into an account, store ones bank account information, and access virtual stores. Businesses can make pretty good use of QR codes if they put them on business cards, products, advertisements, or receipts. It would make learning about a business so much quicker and easier than trying to track down the information by just searching it on the web by yourself. A downfall to QR codes is, however, that not everybody and their dog has a smart phone. Or maybe they do have a smart phone but they don't have the app downloaded to scan a code. How many people will a QR code affect? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know.

Catchy tune!

Hey guys! I dig this song and so should you! Check it out!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Nitty Gritty

Hi! My name is Michael Wyatt Green, but I go by Wyatt.
After I graduate from Copper Hills, I plan on going to the U of U, SUU, UVU, or maybe even Dixie. Ultimately I want to get a business degree and go to work with a company with the high hopes of advancing. One day I hope to own my own business and have employees and be a big deal. But for now, my job selling boat supplies at @Boater's Outlet.

I like long walks on the beach, yoga, sweet tea, and Halo.